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DEPARTMENT Annual Convention
Wednesday, June 5th at 0930 am
(click the link above for the Zoom link)

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Important Resources to Support

Our Nation's Heroes

Check Us Out!

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Click on the image on the left for the latest issue of The Jewish Veteran.

Current News

Next Meeting

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 --  In-Person and VIRTUAL Department Annual Convention (In Person and Online) via ZOOM.  For those attending in person, breakfast will begin at 9:00 am, and 0ur meeting will start at 9:30 am. 


All JWV members, their guests, and prospective members are welcome to join us at the Department of Florida quarterly meetings and the Convention.

The Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America
- For 127 Years, the Patriotic Voice of American Jewry

Who We Are

Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. Mission Statement


We, citizens of the United States of America, of the Jewish faith, who served in the Wars of the United States of America, in order that we may be of greater service to our country and to one another, associate ourselves together for the following purposes:


  • To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America;

  • To foster and perpetuate true Americanism;

  • To combat whatever tends to impair the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions;

  • To uphold the fair name of the Jew and fight his or her battles wherever unjustly assailed; to encourage the doctrine of universal liberty, equal rights, and full justice to all men and women;

  • To combat the powers of bigotry and darkness wherever originating and whatever their target;

  • To preserve the spirit of comradeship by mutual helpfulness to comrades and their families;

  • To cooperate with and support existing educational institutions and establish educational institutions, and to foster the education of ex-servicemen and ex-servicewomen, and our members in the ideals and principles of Americanism;

  • To instill love of country and flag, and to promote sound minds and bodies in our members and our youth;

  • To preserve the memories and records of patriotic service performed by the men and women of our faith;

  • To honor their memory and shield from neglect the graves of our heroic dead.

If You're A Veteran No Longer Serving -- Why You Should Join Us

  • As a member because you are a Jewish Veteran, or as a Patron for one of the following reasons:

    • A Family member of a Veteran

    • A Local Community Leader

    • A Veteran of Other Faiths

  • Continue a proud tradition of Jewish-American patriots

  • Ensure that our returning veterans and all who came before them receive the benefits and care which they have earned

  • Help poor and homeless veterans to assume their rightful place in our community

  • Click here for additional reasons to join!


Why You Should Join Us

  • Membership while on active duty and for your first year after separation is free.

  • If you are currently serving, numerous free benefits are available to you, including:

    • Jewish Cameraderie​

    • Services/Gatherings in Your Area

    • Packages During Holidays

  • Transitioning Resources for when you leave active service, including:

    • Help with Educational Opportunities and Financing

    • Help with Housing Financial Assistance

    • Help with Job Placement Assistance

    • Help with Accessing Your VA Benefits

    • Transitioning You Back into Your Local Jewish Community

  • JWV Educational Scholarships Available

  • Subscription to the Jewish Veteran Newspaper

  • Counseling Resource Assistance Available​

  • Free Identity Theft Protection Plan

  • Financial Resources Available through USAA

  • Assistance if you have experienced Anti-Semitism either in the military or in the VA

  • JWV Annual Guided Trips to Israel

Click here to link to the Jewish War Veterans of America website.

Where to Find Us

Find a post in your local area by clicking here.

Have you served in either the US or allied military?

If you have not served but would like to help support the ongoing efforts of the JWV, please click here to become a Patron Member.
Support JWV. Earn Rewards. Click here.
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